Best X-Ray/ MAMMOGRAM in Chennai

Digital X-Ray Mammogram and High definition mammogram with excellent image Quality for accurate diagnosis. All procedures are done by qualified LADY DOCTORS.

Swelling, lump, thickening in the breast, discharge from nipple,Change in size of breast, Dimpling of the skin, A nipple is pulled in or changed in position or shape, Contant pain in the breast region,Swelling in the arm pit.

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on 100+ reviews.

Family history of breast swelling, blood relations diagnosed with cancer. Previously history of pathology in the same or other breast lump in the breast. History of taking OC for long periods.Late marriage with no issues or having children after 35 years.

Regular mammogram is a must for all patients above years as routine evaluation and for early diagnosis and prevention of Breast Related Diseases

Some advantages of doing a mammogram

Overall, mammograms can be a useful tool in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer and other breast abnormalities. It is recommended that women discuss their breast cancer screening options with their healthcare provider to determine what is best for them based on their individual risk factors and medical history.